Jambalaya on the Camp Stove

Camping Jan 08, 2021

For our test run camping trip to Hocking Hills, I decided to make jambalaya for dinner the second night on our new camp stove. I cooked a bunch of andouille sausage and chicken breast on the stove at home before we left, so it was relatively easy to put together.

Here’s a link to the recipe I used: https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/one-pan-jambalaya/. Dinner mostly turned out great, though it did stick to the bottom of the pan and burn a little, we think because the stove runs so hot and because I didn't have a big metal spoon to keep scraping it off the bottom of the pan.

One of my packing fails was that I forgot to bring any real cooking utensils, so we were using a plastic spoon to stir in a fairly deep pan using very high heat. I will definitely remember to pack a spatula and large spoon for the long trip.

One change I made to the recipe is that I tried to limit the number of containers I was carrying, so I combined the flour in a Ziploc bag with the basil, Cajun seasoning, and sugar. The recipe says to add the flour separately first, then the other spices later. It didn’t seem to hurt too much to do it the way I did.

I doubled the recipe, so it was a LOT of food. Plenty for dinner, a late-night snack, and then we still had a lot to take home and eat over the next few days. I’m thinking for the long trip to not bring this giant pan and just make things in smaller quantities. The little kids just wanted to finish off the hot dogs from the night before, but didn’t object to the jambalaya.



A professor and mom who loves to learn about other cultures and places and share those experiences with students, family, and now you!